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A tailor-made growth path based on the specific needs of each individual child
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Scuola infanzia

Scuola infanzia

An educational story to accompany your child in every dimension of their development.
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The Lounge School

Modernity and high quality standards guided Silvia Zanotti in the foundation of her ambitious project: in 2013 The Lounge School was born in Lugano.

Our in-depth and continuous research of the best practice to teach the English language allows our little guests to cultivate bilingualism naturally and with fun.


At the Lounge School our aim is to provide proper food education, in cooperation with parents.

Through the advice of a dietician who is an expert in early childhood nutrition, a balanced diet has been prepared that takes into account the seasonality and variety of products as well as the growth needs of our children.

For the preparation of the meals, The Lounge makes use of an external catering service provider: PIC NIC – Dolce e Salato, located in Lugano, via Vignola 12.


Fourchette Verte Ticino, an association that promotes healthy eating, has awarded its quality seal to both The Lounge Schools.

The certification concerns establishments that offer balanced meals, in accordance with the criteria of the Swiss food pyramid.


Contact us

Would you like to receive more detailed information? The director Sara Gatti is at your disposition.

Bio Nido

+41 091 9222331
Corso Elvezia 27
6900 Lugano, Switzerland

Bio Nido

+41 091 9227731
Via Maderno 10
6900 Lugano, Switzerland

Scuola infanzia

+41 091 9235351
Via Maderno 10
6900 Lugano, Switzerland

Get in touch

Would you like to receive more detailed information? The director Sara Gatti is at your disposition.